Tuesday, March 15, 2011

To the Fourth Power!

So to kick things off right, I really wanted to keep everything clean and simple. The way I like them. The way I live.

Yeah, right.

I DO like things clean and simple. However, the way I live is anything but; I have twin girls who are four years old and due to their arrival being at a point in my life prior to me being ready, per say, we all live with my parents. Oh, and my sister lives here on the weekends, too. Did I mention the dog? ...and the puppy?


In the midst of all the madness I like to do things to entertain myself, things such as attempt to keep my sanity. It's an amusement if nothing else. A way to pass the time.

Hence, my latest entertainment! C4.

No, I'm not building a bomb. I'm just setting goals, searching for new ones, practicing and perfecting old ones, and sharing them all with you. My goal is to have four topics and within each topic four goals. As I complete a goal, I'll mark it off and share the story of my experience. Once every part of the overall list is completed, I'll start a new one and the dance shall continue.

Additionally, I'll provide the links to the inspirations I find, where you can find stuff to inspire you, and hopefully inspire someone else while doing all of that.

I'm sure there will be random this and that along the way as well. I do nothing better than I do random. It's my gift. But now, without further ado... *drum roll*

Here is the list::

1. Cooking
1. Brown Sugar Meatloaf
2. Maple Porkchops OR Maple Salmon
3. Drunken Coffee Jello Squares - You can argue that these are "bake", but i'll argue back ;)
4. Homemade Cinnamon Bread

2. Baking
1. Eclairs! Loooove them! Now I want to MAKE them!
2. Cherry Pound Cake. Yum.
3. Playdough Cookies. Fun for the kids, too!
4. S'mores Cookie Bars My sister's obsession is slowly becoming my own.

3. Crafts
1. Flower Faires
2. Hair Bows
3. Paper Flowers
4. Toliet Paper Roll Wall Art

4. Cleaning
1. Organizing the Laundry Room Cabinets
2. Decorating the Mantel
3. Reorganizing the Baking Supplies
4. Cleaning the Kitchen Counters (the dreaded moving of the microwave!)

Here's to the Fourth Power... may the force be with us all!!!

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